Welcome to the website of the Office for Divine Worship!
Overall Responsibility of the Office for Divine Worship
The Office for Divine Worship is a resource for the celebration of the Sacred Liturgy throughout the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. The Office provides in a general way for the ongoing liturgical formation of the clergy and faithful, with a special emphasis on the formation of liturgical ministers.
The Office for Divine Worship assists the Archbishop with the preparation and planning of all the liturgical celebrations in the Archdiocese for which he is the celebrant. The Office also assists the Cathedral-Basilica staff with the preparation of all archdiocesan liturgical celebrations celebrated at Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral Basilica. This also includes the principal liturgical celebrations of the Church Year at the Cathedral Basilica. The Office assists with the liturgical celebrations associated with the various offices of the Archdiocesan Pastoral Center.
The Office for Divine Worship assists pastors and those in parishes and schools who are responsible for sacramental liturgical preparation and celebration. This assistance includes directives, consultation and workshops. These workshops are often in conjunction with other offices of the Archdiocese. This Office assists with the formation of leaders in the initiation of adults and the Archdiocesan celebration of the rites for the initiation of adults. Additionally, the Office provides on-going direction for the liturgical celebration of adult initiation in parishes.
The Office for Divine Worship plans the liturgical music for all Archdiocesan celebrations and Cathedral-Basilica celebrations. Members of the Office staff are available to parishes for consultation on liturgical music, parish initiatives for the formation of liturgical music ministers and assistance with the purchase/maintenance of musical instruments. The Office for Divine Worship fosters and coordinates formation programs for liturgical musicians. The Office for Divine Worship assists pastors with the hiring and placement of liturgical musicians. The Office for Divine Worship is responsible for the administration of the Archdiocesan Adult Choir.
Contact information for the Office for Divine Worship
Phone: 215-587-3537
Email: worship@archphila.org