Protocol for Archdiocesan Celebrations 2020
Sacraments of Christian Initiation
Sacrament of Baptism
Sacrament of Confirmation
- Implementation Plan for the Revised Grades for the Celebration of Confirmation
- Guidelines for Sponsors for Baptism and Confirmation
- Confirmation Liturgy Instruction Form
- Liturgy Planning Form for Conferral of Confirmation within Mass
- Confirmation and the Eucharistic Prayer
- Altar Server Notes for the Rite of Confirmation within Mass
- Policy Statement for the Place of Celebration of Confirmation
Sacrament of Holy Eucharist
- Cardinal Justin Rigali’s Pastoral Letter on the Eucharist 2008
- Select Norms for the Celebration of Mass
- Policy Statement for the Place of Celebration of First Penance and First Holy Communion
- Guidelines for the Reception of Holy Communion
- Fast before receiving Holy Communion
- Norms Regarding Mass Stipends
- Additional Mass Intentions and Stipends
- Norms Regarding Communion Services When Daily Mass Cannot Be Celebrated
- Rite of Distribution Holy Communion Outside Mass with the Celebration of the Word
- Holy Communion and Celiac Sprue Disease
- Archdiocesan Guidelines for the Use of Low Gluten Hosts
- Information for Ministers of Holy Communion Related to Persons with Disabilities
- The Care and Cleansing of Altar Linens
- Protocol on the Occasion of the Desecration of the Most Blessed Sacrament
Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation
- Guidance for the Implementation of the Revised Order of Penance in Education Settings – March 2023
- The Order for Reconciling Individual Penitents
- Rito de Reconciliación de Un Solo Penitente
- The Order for Reconciling Individual Penitents – Archdiocese of Philadelphia
- Examination of Conscience – Renewed
- Examination of Conscience for Children – Examen de Conciencia para Los Niños
**Please see below links to both the video and audio versions of the webinar that took place on Tuesday, January 31, 2023 on the Revised Order of Penance.
- Audio-only recording (listen like a podcast)
The Order of Penance (formerly the Rite of Penance) is a revision of the first English translation of the 1973 Latin edition. The revision only affects the translation and not the structure of the rites. Its first use date is Ash Wednesday, February 22, 2023. Its mandatory use date is the Second Sunday of Easter or Divine Mercy Sunday, April 16, 2023. After this date no other English translation may be used.
Sacramental Preparation Guidance for School Age children When They Register for School
Sacrament of Marriage
- Marriage Preparation Policy
- Policy on the Place for Marriage
- Permission for the Celebration of Catholic Weddings in Catholic Chapels, Oratories, and Non-Parish Churches
- The Unity Candle
- Guidelines for Homilies and Words of Remembrance in the Order of Christian Funerals
- Norms Regarding Cremation
- Funeral Notes for a Priest
- Funeral Notes for a Deacon
- American Sign Language Interpreters for Catholic Funerals
- Some Resources on Grief and Loss
Liturgy of the Word with Children
Liturgical Ministries
- Norms for Altar Servers
- Guidelines for Lectors
- The Liturgy of the Word and the Ministry of a Lector
- Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
- All Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, without exception, are to have a current appointment letter from the Archbishop.
- Extraordinary Ministers who serve in institutions and schools throughout the Archdiocese are typically commissioned for service in their parishes and likewise commissioned for service in the institution and/or school.
- Candidates are to be fully initiated practicing Catholics, high school graduates, not in an invalid marriage, recognized for faith and devotion to the Holy Eucharist as well as for service in the parish/institution/school. Pastors/chaplains are reminded to be discerning in the invitation to members of the lay faithful to carry out this ministry.
- Pastors and chaplains are encouraged to send new Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to the archdiocesan formation sessions. Letters of Appointment from the Archbishop will then follow. Veteran Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are also welcome to attend.
- Pastors and chaplains are reminded to inform the Office for Divine Worship if they conduct their own formation and to send to this office their request for new Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. Request forms can be found on the Office for Divine Worship website. Letters of Appointment from the Archbishop will then follow.
- Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are appointed for a three-year term and for the place where they are commissioned. Terms may be renewed if agreeable to both the pastor/chaplain and the Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion.
- All records of active Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are maintained by the parish/institution/school.
- Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are commissioned after participation in a training session, according to the form found in the Book of Blessings, Chapter 63, “Order for the Commissioning of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion.”
- Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion only serve in the parishes/institutions/schools for which they are commissioned.
- Norms for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion in Institutions and All Academic Settings
in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia - Suggested Resources for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
- Formation of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion – Watch Father Dennis Gill’s presentation at St. Norbert’s Parish
Liturgical Music
- A Tool for a More Effective Homily
- Guidelines for Guest Speakers At Sunday Mass
- Ministry of the Word, Preaching And The Permanent Deacon
Guidelines for the Celebration of the Sacraments with Persons with Disabilities
Protocol for Building New or Renovating Churches and Chapels with Particular Attention to Liturgical Requirements
The Archdiocese of Philadelphia, in addition to what is described in the liturgical ritual books, follows the guidelines of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops for the building and renovating of churches and chapels. These guidelines are found in the USCCB document, Built of Living Stones: Art, Architecture and Worship, 2007, Fifth Printing, revised.